Kemal S., Türkiye
Kemal S., Türkiye

“I came here to France because I wanted to get a Master’s degree in a special program for agriculture, and Türkiye does not have this program. I chose France because some of my family lives in Paris, so it was easy for me. When I am done and have my license, I want to have my own company back in Türkiye.”

Oxana V., Russia
Oxana V., Russia

“At the height of COVID, I managed to travel to Europe from Russia. After almost three months of traveling, my friends invited me to visit them in France. I took an early train from Milan, and as I got closer to the border, a very handsome Frenchman sat next to me. Getting seriously hungry, I started searching for food. That’s when he turned to me, fluttered his gorgeous eyelashes, and offered me some tomatoes. Even though we both were wearing masks, I fell in love instantly. We chatted all the way to Paris, where I spent most of my time not with my friends, but with him.”

Nadine B., Germany
Nadine B., Germany

“I moved to Paris in January 2021 because a lot of French people had come into my life, and I was inspired by that. I lived with two Parisians in my flat in Hamburg, and had also met a French guy who was … inspiring. He was my muse for quite a while, you can see it in my paintings, I think. For one year? And then it changed [laughs]. But yeah, he also told me, ‘Oh wow, you have a lot of talent, you should do something with it.’ And the art scene here is so nice! It’s a totally different place than Hamburg.”

Pavel K., Belarus
Pavel K., Belarus

“For me it was a really difficult decision, but I had no life in my country because me, I am gay. After the Presidential election, I decided to move because this system of Lukashenko’s is not a democracy. They destroy people who are against them and they started to put people In prison. For me it was impossible to stay there. So I just left everything, and since 2021 « aout » I am here. I started in July with new papers—literally a new page in my life. I can tell you it’s not easy, like for everyone who arrives in France it’s not easy. But I chose freedom, I chose my life. I chose to be free.”

Katya A., Russia
Katya A., Russia

“In 2020, I found the YouTube channel of a Latvian girl who had moved to France to study, and watching her videos I fell in love with the French language. At the time I had a boyfriend doing a Bachelor’s in Russia and I told him, ‘Okay, you will do your Master’s in France because I want to go.’ So he got here and helped me get my Student visa. But when I came in 2022, I really missed home. So we broke up and I went back to Russia. After a while, I felt trapped and realized I wanted to go back to study in Paris, and here I am. [Laughs] It’s a stupid story, but well, that’s how it happened.”

Steve T., Kenya
Steve T., Kenya

“I came to France because my Master’s studies were in sustainable design. After two years of living in Lyon, I decided, you know what, I’m moving to Paris. I decided to take French classes to better learn the language, and yeah, I would like to stay here—I’m PACS’d I have to stay here [laughs]! I once heard the saying, “The graveyard is a place with most hopes and dreams that have never been fulfilled.” I don’t want to be another dream that has never been fulfilled. I want to make a change. So I hope that my stars fall in place. You know, like Kim Kardashian after her sex tape [laughs].”

Kemal S., Türkiye
Oxana V., Russia
Nadine B., Germany
Pavel K., Belarus
Katya A., Russia
Steve T., Kenya
Kemal S., Türkiye

“I came here to France because I wanted to get a Master’s degree in a special program for agriculture, and Türkiye does not have this program. I chose France because some of my family lives in Paris, so it was easy for me. When I am done and have my license, I want to have my own company back in Türkiye.”

Oxana V., Russia

“At the height of COVID, I managed to travel to Europe from Russia. After almost three months of traveling, my friends invited me to visit them in France. I took an early train from Milan, and as I got closer to the border, a very handsome Frenchman sat next to me. Getting seriously hungry, I started searching for food. That’s when he turned to me, fluttered his gorgeous eyelashes, and offered me some tomatoes. Even though we both were wearing masks, I fell in love instantly. We chatted all the way to Paris, where I spent most of my time not with my friends, but with him.”

Nadine B., Germany

“I moved to Paris in January 2021 because a lot of French people had come into my life, and I was inspired by that. I lived with two Parisians in my flat in Hamburg, and had also met a French guy who was … inspiring. He was my muse for quite a while, you can see it in my paintings, I think. For one year? And then it changed [laughs]. But yeah, he also told me, ‘Oh wow, you have a lot of talent, you should do something with it.’ And the art scene here is so nice! It’s a totally different place than Hamburg.”

Pavel K., Belarus

“For me it was a really difficult decision, but I had no life in my country because me, I am gay. After the Presidential election, I decided to move because this system of Lukashenko’s is not a democracy. They destroy people who are against them and they started to put people In prison. For me it was impossible to stay there. So I just left everything, and since 2021 « aout » I am here. I started in July with new papers—literally a new page in my life. I can tell you it’s not easy, like for everyone who arrives in France it’s not easy. But I chose freedom, I chose my life. I chose to be free.”

Katya A., Russia

“In 2020, I found the YouTube channel of a Latvian girl who had moved to France to study, and watching her videos I fell in love with the French language. At the time I had a boyfriend doing a Bachelor’s in Russia and I told him, ‘Okay, you will do your Master’s in France because I want to go.’ So he got here and helped me get my Student visa. But when I came in 2022, I really missed home. So we broke up and I went back to Russia. After a while, I felt trapped and realized I wanted to go back to study in Paris, and here I am. [Laughs] It’s a stupid story, but well, that’s how it happened.”

Steve T., Kenya

“I came to France because my Master’s studies were in sustainable design. After two years of living in Lyon, I decided, you know what, I’m moving to Paris. I decided to take French classes to better learn the language, and yeah, I would like to stay here—I’m PACS’d I have to stay here [laughs]! I once heard the saying, “The graveyard is a place with most hopes and dreams that have never been fulfilled.” I don’t want to be another dream that has never been fulfilled. I want to make a change. So I hope that my stars fall in place. You know, like Kim Kardashian after her sex tape [laughs].”

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